Requesting Features

Since we are in the process of migrating to a new website and systems, please do not post any feature requests at this time!

If you have an idea for an improvement or a request for a new feature for AirwaySim, please use our dedicated user feedback website at

You can also upvote and comment requests made by others, and see the Roadmap (changes planned) and Changelog (changes made) of the simulation software at this web portal.


The feedback portal is managed by a third-party, so you will need to create an account with just a few clicks before you can post, comment or vote.

Simply click 'Sign Up' to create an account, for which you need to select an username and have a valid email. You also have the option to login using third-party single-sign-on such as via Google.


You may upvote requests you feel are helpful by clicking on the upvote arrow icon next to each post.

The higher the amount of upvotes, the higher the request appears on the list.

Do remember however that the development team does not choose upcoming features solely based on user feedback, but also uses the internal master plan for major changes.

Things To Remember When Posting

It is essential that you search for existing submissions before creating a new one to avoid duplicates.
Choose the category of your submission carefully to bring it under proper handling of the issue / request.
  • Make sure that the topic title is descriptive enough.

  • If you have multiple requests, make a new submission of each one.

Following these instructions saves a lot of work from us, since many times a request for an improvement has already been made of the same topic.

You may also edit your submission afterwards.

Moving Forward

After your submission has been posted, the administration will read it within a few hours to a few days.

All feedback will be read. But depending on the type of request, no comment is necessarily posted by the administration, and the item may be moved directly to the development queue, left open for more comments or later consideration, or then closed as duplicate/non-necessary. The administration has an internal development master plan, and the user requests are a welcome addition to support them.

Thank You!

We truly appreciate all feedback and ideas, thank you for contributing! 😊